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Building a Rust project on CircleCI

While Travis supports Rust natively for its build pipeline, CircleCI still misses first-class support for Rust. This short post explains how to build a Rust project on CircleCI so you don't have to go through all the trouble. We'll be using CircleCI 2.0, which comes

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Rust, Builder Pattern, Trait Objects, Box<T> and Rc<T>

One of the intimidating parts of learning Rust is to master all the basic container types: Box<T>, Rc<T>, Arc<T>, RefCell<T>, Mutex<T>, etc. The least we can say is that they are not really intuitive to

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Getting started with Capn'proto RPC for Rust

Introduction Capn'proto is a data interchange format and RPC system. Unlike protocol buffers (coupled with its rpc system: grpc), there are no encoding/decoding steps. You can find more details on the Capn'proto website. In this article we will focus on the RPC part of Capn&

Getting started with Capn'proto RPC for Rust